Monday, January 31, 2011

Rights of the Righteous


As we all should be aware of, the situation in Egypt has turned from bad to worst. It has even spread to other parts of the Middle East countries. This spirit of freedom is somehow outbursting from all parts of the countries.

A short vid clip about the chronology of what's happening  : HERE

Under the reign of Hosni Mubarak [for 30 years!], they have been denied of their total rights as the citizens. Not only that, being the ally of the West [u know who], the government [under his rule] has been denying the rights of Rafah where help cannot be transferred there. It's like having a blood related brother trying to sell of his own brother  [Muslim country helping the West to overtake the other Muslim country]

Some readings: HERE, HERE, HERE

It's a common fact that whenever a supposed-to-be peaceful demo turns out riotous, it must be because of the police force. Releasing all the tear gas and whatnot bullets and then accusing the people had turned out violent and aggressive.

This situation of wanting the government particularly H.B to step down might set a new ambiance to the whole crisis. The freedom of Al-Quds like we have been anticipating for all this while And I quote some spirited statuses from Ustaz Hasrizal:

 Riot is not an easy option. People will only take to streets when they lost their confidence in the system and the politicians. Egypt is a strong reminder to those in power who shamelessly abuse our system!

Menjatuhkan Hosni Ghair Mubarak, bukan hanya untuk memulihkan Mesir, malah untuk membuka sekatan di Rafah! Palestin.... you'll find the way! Keep praying...  [translation: taking down Hosni Ghair mubarak is not only to improve Egypt, but also to open back the blocked passage in Rafah! ]

We still can't get through to the people there. The Internet is still down, miraculously, 'someone' released the prisoners and gave them weapons to run amok in the streets. The police aren't patrolling. People not involved in the riot are hiding in their homes fearing that someone would come knock their doors and rob them   [ whom? wallahu 'alam]. I got to know this from some friends, they hear gunshots most of the time right before their ears. Food supplies, water supplies have been cut down. For so many years, the Palestinians have been experiencing this situation. This might whisper the spirit of solidarity on a new level. Not just saying that we support our brothers and sisters but actually experiencing the same feeling  [ I guess]. Regardless, I do pray for their safety and well-being.

God knows until when this situation will prolong. At least until the people's demand is commenced. For Hosni Mubarak to step down. Enough is enough with your dictatorship. Enough is enough with your disloyalty towards your own people. Please step down nice and quietly already!

Those not affected, at least try to acknowledge this situation and know the truth about our brothers and sisters in Islam. Don't be so ignorant just because we are SO FAR away and that we should not bother [ no offense but I am quite disappointed by some people who's making fun about this matter]. This is a matter of solidarity among the Muslims throughout the world so please be a bit conscientious. [a reminder to myself]

Peace for freedom, inshaAllah!

Allahu musta'an....May He help those in the righteous path,ameen~



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