Sunday, January 30, 2011

1)  Today is a very cozy day. It has been raining since morning until now. Alhamdulillah, love the rain....and snow =)

1. Narrated by al Bukhari, and in Fathul Bari (2/518)
2. Narrated by al Bukhari (1/205) and Muslim (1/83)

2)  The tense in Egypt is still on. I did follow the updates on Jazeera. Inspiring enough while all the chaos was happening, this was never left behind.....

protestors performing Isya'

Really worried about my friends and colleagues over there. Looking at the situation just now, it seems out of control. T_T

3)  Surprisingly, I received an email from the Prime Minister wishing a very happy CNY holiday. I was like  "awkward moment alert!". Are we being spied on?  o_O...wehoooo~~~

Praying the best for everyone out there.



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