Wednesday, February 2, 2011



First and foremost,


The Internet connection in Egypt is already back in service. Just had a communication with my colleagues over there :)

The trending in Twitter says that Mubarak announces that he will step down but don't know the validity of that story yet.

Malaysian students are being removed to neighbouring countries and ready to fly back to Malaysia. I'm envious that they are getting months and even one year's worth of holiday. From the emails I've received,Wallahi,I'm envious that they were chosen to experience such situation, just like in Palestine [says them]

Foreigners are getting out from Egypt but Egyptians living outside are coming back to join the reformation.

Praying for the best over there and Hosni Mubarak should really step down, like for real:

go get some rest already

The weather in Malaysia has also improved and the sun is shining brightly. Hopefully, everything's fine in Johor and other states affected by the heavy rain/flood, inshaAllah.

Tomorrow marks my first holiday as an employee. Uberly excited! Got no plans yet but I am so gonna finish reading House Rules  [ter-pending di tgh2 cerita ohh ]

Never forget to extend our prayers for the well-being of everyone out there.



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