Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Of Husnu Zhon

I've been reading and writing less these days. It shows in my writing performance. It also shows in my editing job. I'd be like  "should this word be with a double L or T?" and my S-V-agreement is all twisted.....muahaha...that's when Mr.Google comes in handy :p  [but I loathe a copy-pasted-from-google thesis paper being given to me...If I was the lecturer,I won't waste my time reading it!]

But, this attitude must change. Guess one year plus duration of working has made me so dependent on search engines that my language brain died a little.  [obama OH NO! face]

Just finished proofreading and editing one chapter from so many chapters and wanted to escape for a while and where best to go? none other than  A TREE WAS ONCE A SEED....thing is, the seed is showing no progress :p


This hadeeth has been lingering in my mind for quite some time. I've been "made aware" of this hadeeth so many times but I never could really capture what it really meant   *obama REGRET face*.

Reading some articles and watching some videos made me slowly grasp an understanding of the meaning.

We should ALWAYS have a sense of husnu zhon towards Allah, for that every pleasure, every YES YOU CAN HAVE THIS AND THAT is a blessing.....and for every NO YOU CAN'T HAVE THIS AND THAT is also a blessing in disguise.... That if we do not question His judgments, submit our total trust in Him, He will replace the rejections, the disappointment with a better gift. Our weapon to keep on fighting is our NEVER ENDING du'a...khayr inshaAllah.

I'd like to share a very beneficial link regarding this matter:  HERE



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